Full Album for Mother Earth in Peril
Traditionally, the Haudenosaunee decide on actions taken today by their impact in seven generations. Humanity’s survival depends on our embrace of their values…
They continue to flow at NY’s Ganondagan State Historic Site, restored as a center and seed-bed of traditional Haudenosau- nee culture, values and vision. (P...
Since Hurricane Katrina’s first day, NOLA’s uprooted long-term residents were termed refugees. Iroquoia 1779 & NOLA 2005 share other com- monalities - li...
An Onondaga chief, Brad Powless, gazes on toxic Onondaga Lake. A legal action affirms his nation’s stewardship over the health of its traditional lands and u...
Lake Onondaga is the birthplace of the Hau- denosaunee Confeder- acy under the Peace- maker. It’s contamina- ted, sits atop a sea of mercury, and stands at t...
Earth at the Western Door: the former Seneca capital Little Beard’s Town, near Geneseo, NY. Burned by S/C in September 1779, the land was ruined by the Retso...
Then, Sullivan/Clinton was a scorched earth campaign that smoked the Finger Lakes. Today, Global Warming is scorching the earth. Mother Earth summons us. (Ph...
The Haudenosaunee are “people making a long- house.” Spanning NY, Mohawks kept its Eas- tern Door, Onondagas kept (and keep) its cen- tral fire, and Senecas ...
NY’s Southern Tier, formerly Iroquoia, is dotted with ample corn fields, echoing those reduced to scorched earth by Sullivan/ Clinton.
The Warrior’s Path Sullivan’s March looked upon the Susquehanna River, today among America’s most toxic. It had been an Indian path of commerce, war and dipl...
Traditional Haudeno- saunee life is a spiritual bonding with mother earth. The 3 - corn, beans and squash - are central to physical and spiritual survival. T...
The Western Door Iroquoia’s western door, where the Genesee River snakes on through what ranked atop North America’s most fertile regions. It was Seneca coun...