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Cherry Valley Memorial

O haste, men of strength, the savages are near you; Now hurry to the fort, taking with you those you love, for tomahawk and scalping knife, give token of a deadly strife, In which deliverance only comes from above.

O mourn, men of strength, your household Gods have fallen, Your valley now is wasted by bloody Butler’s band. Yet pause not in useless grief, in fell battle seek relief, And vengeance earnest take, with red right hand. Rejoice, men of strength, send forth the joyful tidings, Your victory proclaim to the peoples far and wide; Our armies brave have won the day, nor British power their might can stay, As firmly now they stand on freedom’s side.

O shout, men of strength, declare aloud our glory; Afar among the nations, make the broad welkin ring, Afar, afar, o’er hill and dale, that all may hear the wondrous tale, America, America, is king.

Memorial Ode to Cherry Valley’s Fallen Centennial Unveiling of The Monument Written by J.L. Sawyer/Sung by Choir Cherry Valley, New York August 15, 1877